Contact Sales (212) 840-5091  

Omitarisk is a real estate tool for many industries including Real Estate Brokers, appraisers, title companies, banks, mortgage brokers, insurance carriers, real estate investors, builders and so many others.  The ability to get all the information you need quickly from one application is the goal of Omitarisk.

Some features include:

Property Search – As of this writing, every property located in the five Boros of New York are in our database.  This includes lots, bungalows, private homes, mixed use, commercial properties and more.  Unlike other programs that limit you to 3 family or more, commercial buildings, etc.   Omitarisk provides information on everything available and filed with the NYC Tax Assessors office.  Our goal is to provide property data in all the United States including Nassau and Suffolk Counties.

USPS Verification – When you enter an address, we verify with the United States Postal Service if the address is valid.  If the address is not found with the U.S. Postal Service, we display a list of other possible address matches to choose from.

Alternate address – If you enter an address that belongs to a building that has multiple addresses, Omitarisk will auto display all the associated alternate addresses.

Data Provided – If available with City records, you will get the following information after you enter an address:

  1. Owners name, mailing address, phone number
  2. Mortgagee name, mortgage amount, mortgage date
  3. Market value, sale price, date of sale, recorded date
  4. Number of buildings on location, square footage of building and lot
  5. Year built, number of stories, number of residential units, number of commercial units,
    Dimensions of building and lot depth and frontage
  6. Commercial and Residential FAR
  7. Zoning, tax class, building class, Air Rights, Easements
  8. Garage type, garage sq. footage, basement grade, basement sq. footage, basement type
  9. Fire department, police precinct, school district, community board, neighborhood, County
  10. Annual Property Tax
  11. Tax map – The property address entered will be displayed on the map and the property lines will be highlighted. You have an option to turn on and off the tax map outline.

Violations – Omitarisk provides a quick button to show any permit and building violations for all New York properties with the NY Dept. of Buildings.

Street View – Click and view street view images if available via Google Maps

Satellite View – Click and view the overhead satellite view of the map

Property Click and View - You can zoom in on the map, click on any property and get the same information above.  No need to know the address.

Running Comps – You can select many different queries such as year built, date sold range, selling price range, number of units, square footage, etc., and find all properties within your search criteria.  You can search by the visible map area, by County or all Counties.  You can dump the data to an xls or csv.  You can sort by any of the data columns.  You can choose to find residential, commercial, mixed use, condos and coops.

Condo units – If you search for buildings that are condo buildings, you can see all the individual unit owners, square footage, purchase price and similar info to a building owner.

Search by owner name – Enter a name and area and Omitarisk will search all properties that are owned by that name.

Mapping Icons – When running comp searches, the map will display different looking icons to make it easier to know which are residential, commercial, mixed use and condos.

Risk Analysis – If you are a banker, insurance carrier, real estate investor, etc. you can upload your properties and data details to the Omitarisk map.  Looking at the map, you will see dots representing your properties.    If there is a potential storm or hurricane, you can see data feeds from the National Hurricane Center on the map and how it may affect your properties.  Some examples are:

  1. Example 1: You are a banker that gave out 10,000 loans to businesses located in Nassau County.  Hurricane Bobby is brewing from the South heading to the North East.  If the hurricane devastates many of your clients and puts them out of business, they will not have the funds to pay back their loans.  You can quickly tell with Omitarisk which properties may be affected, the amounts of their loans and any other analytics needed to properly prepare.
  2. Example 2: You are an insurance carrier insuring homeowners that are in the direct path of an oncoming Hurricane. You can quickly see which homes will be affected, the amount of coverages you are insuring the properties for and better assess in advance how to prepare for claims handling.

Insurance Industry Tools

  1. Geocode – Get the geocode of the center of the property
  2. Elevation – Provides the elevation above mean sea level
  3. Distance to Firehouse – Gives in miles and feet the driving distance to the closest volunteer and paid firehouse. Also give the direct line distance.
  4. Click to see all Fire stations – When you view the visible map area, click a checkbox and see all fire house icons appear on the map. Click any firehouse to get information on that location.
  5. Flood Hazard Zone – Provides the FEMA flood zone designation for your location
  6. Storm Surge Zones – Provides color codes of the worst possible scenario in the event of a hurricane showing storm surge zones 1 thru 4. Enter any location, zoom in on map, check storm surge checkbox and see if the property falls within any of the four categories. 


Automated Distance to Coast

Most insurance carriers that insure property need to know how far the property is located to coastal water.  There are many free manual tools for this process which is time consuming, can be inaccurate from human error and removes the automation process to binding policies.  Many carriers must review and underwrite all policies manually before binding to make sure the property is not within a certain distance to coast, within a particular FEMA flood zone or flood surge category.  Omitarisk has all of this automated. 


Omitarisk has a custom admin panel to allow an insurance carrier to choose which waterways, inlets, oceans, lakes, rivers are of importance.  We can customize for any client which waterways to include or exclude for any geographical area.  When an address is entered, Omitarisk will automatically provide the distance to water in miles and feet.  If using our mapping, you will see a line drawn from the property to the water so you can tell exactly where Omitarisk is pointing.  Other competitors only provide a map, image of water, image of property icon, gives no indication of what part of the water is used and provides an estimated distance.

In addition, with Omitarisk, you can drag an icon from the property to any other location to get an instant manual distance in miles and feet. 

You can also use the radius tool by dragging and radius bigger or smaller to see which part of the radius first touches any interested area on the map for additional distance tools in miles and feet.

NOTE:  There are only two Companies that are known in the U.S. to offer this tool.

OFAC Terrorist list

Every day, Omitarisk checks the U.S. Dept. of Treasury for an updated terrorist list.  Many insurance carriers are required to make sure the named insured is not found on the terrorist list.  Omitarisk will let you know the date and time stamp of the most recent list used from the Dept. of Treasury and if that person is on the list or not. 


APIs – Omitarisk created an API (Application Program Interface) that allows any client to pass an address electronically and Omitarisk will pass back results with any of the above information as needed by the client. 

Credit Reporting – Omitarisk will soon have the full features of a Credit Reporting Agency (CRA) where a client can run credit scores, tenant screening, employment verification and many other features of a CRA

MVR – For any client that has a need to run instant driving record abstracts from the Dept. of Motor Vehicles, Omitarisk has this available in most States.  For the many real estate companies and any other industry that has many drivers on the road, they can use our MVR service to get this information in seconds.

Registration Violations – Upload all your license plate registrations and Omitarisk can check weekly for all camera and parking ticket violations.  Especially helpful for any Company that has many vehicles on the road and want to know immediately if their employees received tickets.

VIN Decoder – Any insurance carrier that needs to pass a vehicle ID number to Omitarisk will get back full details on the vehicle such as year make model, safety discounts, GVW and all information supplied by the manufacturer.  Many carriers pay per click for this information.


Customized Programming – When your Agents use our product, there will be much feedback on change requests which we encourage.  If an Agent feels that changes to the program would benefit many, we will make those changes at no charge to the users.


Contact us today to find your solution 800-353-3755